
原标题:【考研真题】 2021年考研英语一真题及答案(一):完型填空




Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the

ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Fluid intelligence is the type of intelligence that has to do with short-term memory and the ability to think quickly, logically, and abstractly in order to solve new problems. It 1 in young adulthood, levels out for a period of time, and then 2 starts to slowly decline as we age. But 3 aging is inevitable, scientists are finding out that certain changes in brain function may not be.

One study found that muscle loss and the 4 of body fat around the abdomen are associated with a decline in fluid intelligence. This suggests the 5 that lifestyle factors might help prevent or 6 this type of decline.

The researchers looked at data that 7 measurements of lean muscle and abdominal fat from more than 4,000 middle-to-older-aged men and women and 8 that data to reported changes in fluid intelligence over a six-year period. They found that middle-aged people 9 higher measures of abdominal fat 10 worse on measures of fluid intelligence as the years 11 .

For women, the association may be 12 to changes in immunity that resulted from excess abdominal fat; in men, the immune system did not appear to be 13 . It is hoped that future studies could 14 these differences and perhaps lead to different 15 for men and women.

16 , there are steps you can 17 to help reduce abdominal fat and maintain lean muscle mass as you age in order to protect both your physical and mental 18 . The two highly recommended lifestyle approaches are maintaining or increasing your 19 of aerobic exercise and following Mediterranean-style 20 that is high in fiber and eliminates highly processed foods.

1. [A] pauses [B] returns [C] peaks [D] fades

2. [A] alternatively [B]formally [C]accidentally [D] generally

3. [A] while [B] since [C] once [D] until

4. [A] detection [B] accumulation [C] consumption [D] separation

5. [A] possibility [B] decision [C] goal [D] requirement

6. [A] delay [B] ensure [C] seek [D] utilize

7. [A] modified [B] supported [C] included [D] predicted

8. [A] devoted [B] compared [C] converted [D] applied

9. [A] with [B] above [C] by [D] against

10. [A] lived [B] managed [C] scored [D] played

11. [A] ran out [B] set off [C] drew in [D] went by

12. [A] superior [B] attributable [C] parallel [D] resistant

13. [A] restored [B] isolated [C] involved [D] controlled

14. [A] alter [B] spread [C] remove [D] explain

15. [A] compensations [B] symptoms [C] demands [D] treatments

16. [A] Likewise [B] Meanwhile [C] Therefore [D] Instead

17. [A] change [B] watch [C] count [D] take

18. [A] well-being [B] process [C] formation [D] coordination

19. [A] level [B] love [C] knowledge [D] space

20. [A] design [B] routine [C] diet [D] prescription


1. 【答案】C(peaks)

【解析】逻辑关系题。and then提示顺承,借助slowly decline(慢慢下降)可知,C项peaks(达到最高点)符合原文逻辑关系,即流动智力在成年早期达到峰值,之后很长一段时间趋于稳定,之后随着年龄增长,慢慢下降。本题答案为C项。


2. 【答案】D(generally)



3. 【答案】A(while)

【解析】逻辑关系题。观察选项可知,本题考查句内逻辑关系,比较aging is inevitable和scientists are finding out that … may not be可知,inevitable和may not be提示语义相反,即“衰老不可避免”,与“科学家们发现大脑功能的某些变化可能并非不可避免”二者语义相反。A项while(尽管)提示让步,符合原文逻辑关系。本题答案为A项。


4. 【答案】B(accumulation)

【解析】逻辑关系题。and提示并列,muscle loss和the 4 of body fat around the abdomen(腹部脂肪的 4 )互相并列,借助muscle loss(肌肉流失)可知,B项accumulation(积累)符合原文逻辑关系,即,肌肉流失和腹部脂肪堆积。本题答案为B项。


5. 【答案】A(possibility)


6. 【答案】A(delay)



7. 【答案】C(included)

【解析】语境题。本题考查连接data(数据)和measurements(测量结果)的动词词义。比较各选项语义,A项modified(修改),B项supported(支持),C项included(包括)和D项predicted(预 测),可知C项included符合原文语义,即研究人员查看了包括4,000多名中老年男性和女性瘦肌肉群和腹部脂肪测量结果的数据。本题答案为C项。

8. 【答案】B(compared)

【解析】逻辑关系题。and提示并列,looked at data和 8 that data to reported changes互相并列,借助looked at(查看)可知,B项compared(比较)符合原文逻辑关系,且能与介词to构成固定搭配,compare … to…(将……与……相比)。本题答案为B项。

干扰选项:其余各项与介词to构成固定搭配,A项devoted … to…(把……用于),C项converted … to…(把……转化为……),D项applied … to…(把……应用于……),均不符合原文逻辑关系。

9. 【答案】A(with)

【解析】固定搭配题。观察选项可知,本题考查介词用法。比较各选项,A项with(带有……),B项above(在……上面),C项by(通过……)和D项against(与……相反),可知,A项with连接higher measures of abdominal fat,作后置定语修饰people,符合原文语义,即,有着更高腹部脂肪的中年人。本题答案为A项。

10. 【答案】C(scored)


11. 【答案】D(went by)

【解析】固定搭配题。借助as the years(随着年岁……),并比较各选项语义,A项ran out(用完),B项set off(出发),C项drew in(引诱)和D项went by(时间逝去),可知,D项went by符合原文语义。本题答案为D项。

12. 【答案】B(attributable)

【解析】语境题。结合resulted from excess abdominal fat(腹部脂肪过多所致),并比较各选项与介词to构成的搭配,A项superior to(比……好的),B项attributable to(可归因于……),C项parallel to(与……平行的)和D项resistant to(不受……损害的),可知,B项attributable符合原文语义,即,对于女性来说,这种关联(腹部脂肪越高,流动智力方面的得分越低)可能要归因于腹部脂肪过多所致的免疫力变化。本题答案为B项。

13. 【答案】C(involved)

【解析】逻辑关系题。For women与in men提示对比关系,借助the association may be 12 to changes in immunity(这种关联可能 12 免疫力变化)可知,C项involved(使成为必然部分,与be连用时,可理解为“与……有关”)符合原文语义,即,对男性来说,(这种关联)似乎与免疫系统无关;且符合原文逻辑。本题答案为C项。


14. 【答案】D(explain)

【解析】语境题。本题考查连接future studies和these differences的动词语义,而these differences是指上句中男性和女性的流动智力得分,与腹部脂肪堆积所致的免疫力变化有关与无关的区别。现有研究只发现了这种区别,而背后的原因,只能寄希望于未来相关研究。D项explain(解释)符合原文语义,即,希望未来研究能解释这些区别。本题答案为D项。


15. 【答案】D(treatments)

【解析】语境题。借助lead to different 15 for men and women(促成针对女性和男性的不同 15 ),并结合these differences所指的免疫力与流体智力间二者间的关联在男性和女性中体现不同,可知,D项treatments(疗法)符合原文语义,即,或许会促成针对女性和男性的不同疗法。本题答案为D项。


16. 【答案】B(Meanwhile)



17. 【答案】D(take)

【解析】固定搭配题。take steps(采取措施)为固定搭配,且符合原文语义,即,您可以采取一些措施来帮助减少腹部脂肪并保持瘦肌肉群。本题答案为D项。


18. 【答案】A(well-being)

【解析】语境题。由protect both your physical and mental …(保护您身体和心理的……)可知,A项well-being(健康)符合原文语义,即,为了保护您的身心健康。本题答案为A项。


19. 【答案】A(level)

【解析】语境题。结合aerobic exercise(有氧运动),并比较各选项,A项level(水平),B项love(热爱),C项knowledge(知识)和D项space(空间),可知,A项符合原文语义,即,维持或提高有氧运动水平。本题答案为A项。

20. 【答案】C(diet)

【解析】逻辑关系题。and提示并列,借助exercise(锻炼),并结合空格后high in fiber(高纤维)和eliminates highly processed foods(去除高度加工的食品),可知,C项diet(日常饮食)符合原文逻辑,即,两种强烈推荐的生活方式分别为:维持或提高有氧运动水平,以及遵循高纤维、去除高度加工食品的地中海式饮食习惯。本题答案为C项。




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